The "Scroll to Top" feature is a button that makes it easy to return to the top of a vertically tall page. The button will automatically appear in the bottom right corner of the browser when the window has been scrolled a certain distance from the top.

To use this feature on any one of your pages, simply include the following code on the page. We recommend placing the code snippet before or after the <footer> section.

<div class="scroll-to-top" title="Scroll Back to Top">
	<span class="sr-only">Scroll Back to Top</span>
	<i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i>
</div> <!-- .scroll-to-top -->


By default, the shape of the button is a square. However, utilizing our CSS modifiers, this can be easily changed.


<div class="scroll-to-top circle">...</div> <!-- .scroll-to-top -->

Rounded Square

<div class="scroll-to-top rounded">...</div> <!-- .scroll-to-top -->

Rounded Square (v2)

<div class="scroll-to-top rounded-2x">...</div> <!-- .scroll-to-top -->
Scroll Back to Top